Anthony Kern has changed my life….I know it sounds like a cliché, but it is true! I wish for every great person in the world to experience what I have by working with Anthony. Using the science of astrology as a guide, his great psychic ability and intuition guided me to a life I only dreamed of having. He’s the best therapist, because he actually tells you what to do. Sometimes it’s not what you want to hear but if you really listen and follow his steps you can achieve your goals and transform your life!! He is simply able to see what we cannot.
-AJF, New Jersey
Having a reading by Anthony was an uplifting experience for me. Anthony was able to pinpoint events in my life and gave me clarity with those experiences. He gave me the ability to learn about myself in ways I never thought possible. The reading was ‘dead on’ of my personality traits and I have been able to becomes a better person for myself and my family.
-Dave, NJ
Make no mistake, Anthony is the real deal. I first learned about him through a friend in 2015, and still 4 years later, I’ve enjoyed every experience I’ve had with him. He takes a little time to prepare your personal reading, but you can most certainly tell he has done his homework when it comes time for your full session. I deeply appreciate the sincere candor and genuine support Anthony gives you during one of his sessions. He not only prepares you for the future, but while talking with him one-on-one, I often found my mind with a clear, deep and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem that has been plaguing me for months prior. Simply said, Anthony’s abilities are what I would describe as nothing short of supernatural. In addition to his unique talents, he’s astoundingly charismatic in getting you to follow through on a positive plan of action to help you better your situation. I hope my review convinces at least one person to give Anthony a try, as my experiences with him have brought me so much insight into my unique astrological chart. Take it from this down-to-earth and practical Taurus, you won’t be disappointed.
-Brandon, FL
I can’t tell you how much I enjoy consulting with Anthony about my astrological chart. I have met with him and spoken over the phone several times with. He is so easy to connect with. I feel like he really understands me and what is going on in my chart. I have received amazing advice in regards to my marriage, and because of him my husband and I have a very healthy relationship based in open communication and respect. Anthony is highly skilled, intelligent, insightful and intuitive. I would highly recommend Anthony as he demonstrates all things that are positive. No matter what my situation is at the time, consulting Anthony provides me with the necessary knowledge to move forward and make the right decision. I’m grateful to have found him.
-Lissy, FL
Anthony had given me his insight about an issue with my left eye and that I needed surgery in about 7 months. In fact he was right on and I had surgery for a cataract sometime in the winter. Then my 2 nd testimony happened just last night when I was telling Anthony about some pain and he immediately said he could feel it and knew exactly the area I was having the pain without telling him.
-Gary C, NY
To be honest I’ve always wanted a psychic reading and wanted someone other than myself to validate my spirituality. I can honestly say from the moment I met Anthony I felt a very strong connection. We developed a friendly relationship, and one day he spoke to me in a way that made me understand myself a lot better. He gave me information that no one else would be able to because I didn’t know these details even for myself. I’m still processing a lot of the information because it’s literally layers of years and information to dissect and understand for myself. But I do have to say that on that day that he spoke to me, he connected with me spiritually and gave me a reading. I started my current relationship that day, literally. I trust Anthony. My relationship is flourishing times infinity. As I do feel like I’m thankful for him and that connection and conversation. I got validation and peace of mind from him…..priceless.
–Liza, FL
I met Anthony through a friend in December of 2016 and had an astrology session with him. During the session he read my chart and told me I would meet someone special in March. I brushed it off, not thinking I would actually meet anyone. On St. Patrick’s Day (2017) I met the most incredible man and we have been together ever since! Anthony was right on down to the month!!! I have been coming to him for readings and advice ever since!
-Paige, FL